Emergency Breakdown Repairs

Power failure / Burst of water pipes

EMO manages the distribution of electricity and water from the supply main and will perform breakdown repairs immediately upon any interruption of supply of these utility services, such as power failure or burst of water pipes, in the Campus. Reports should be made to EMO Frontdesk (Tel.: 3943 6666) during our operating hours, or the Security Unit (Tel.: 3943 7999).


These are maintained by life maintenance service providers under statutory requirement.

For emergency or rescue service when passengers are trapped inside a lift, please call the Security Unit at 3943 7999 immediately.

Complaints of malfunction should be directed to EMO Frontdesk (Tel.: 3943 6666) during our operating hours, or repair hotlines of respective lift companies as indicated inside the lift.

L.P. Gas

Incident of / Suspected gas leakage should be immediately reported to the Security Unit at 3943 7999.